Share Six: April 2023: Macro

How did April get here so quickly. One more month and I will be back in the sky again and on my way to Australia. Hard to believe how quickly time has gone since we made the decision to plan to travel.

Share Six has chosen a theme for this month that goes away from the big wide world of happenings to the teeny tiny world of {Macro}. Thank you Lynne Grant Photography for choosing one of my favorite themes. For the longest time I did not have a macro lens. More about that at the end of the post. Finally I bought a 100mm Canon macro lens, and I have to say it is one of my favorite lens.

I will confess to this being a long post. I love playing with Macro and I also want to share some images taken years ago using the reverse lens method.

I played around with different themes. First I started out in the garden.

This is a pineapple in it’s early stages of development. I never knew until we started growing them that initially they are red as they shoot out.
A common garden weed.
Another grass weed that is just taking over every where.
Flowers on a tree
One more grass weed.
We don’t have too many dragonfly just lately but recently I managed to capture this sweet little damselfly.
Always a favorite is spiderwebs (not the spiders so much)
Tiny Buds on a plant

Then I happened to be babysitting Luka for the weekend and Amy had some interesting dried flowers that appealed to me.

Then I played around with a pair of jeans.

I’ve also played with feathers and reflections in the past as well.

As I said in the beginning, for the longest time I never had a macro lens. But I wanted to shoot macro. I was doing some research on macro options and there was an article on reverse ring macro photography. For the cost of about 11 dollars, this opened up a whole new world for me. Simply put, the ring screws into the fitting of your camera and then you screw your reversed lens into the ring. Word of caution. Do not screw anything in to tight. I had a panic attack the first time I tried to take the ring out. Looser is better. Obviously the camera is free focus. You have to create your distance where the image is sharp. Below are a some images that I took using the reverse lens method prior to having a macro lens.

Tiny buds on a thorn bush Reverse lens method
The newness of an unfurling fern in reverse lens
Down inside the grass there is a whole eco system. Taken with a reverse lens.
A friendly grasshopper taken using the reverse lens method.
Tiny new buds
Down in the grass there is a whole new world
The buds of a tiny garden weed.

Here is a link on the reverse lens method. Sometimes I feel like I may have got better detail using the reverse lens method.

What I love about macro is the details. There is so much we do not see with our natural eye. There is a world of hairs on plants and growth down inside grass and weeds that are as beautiful and as detailed as flowers. Macro is fun and if you have not done it before, I promise you, you will love it.

This is a circle blog and as I mentioned, we have some very talented ladies in the group. The sneak peaks are stunning and I cannot wait to see the rest. Take some time to follow the links and see what they have for you this month. My incredibly talented friend Lynne of Lynne Grant Photography is up next. I can’t wait to see what she has to share. You can see more of her work by clicking on her Facebook page. Definitely check out her incredible art.

Come and share your images to  Facebook and Instagram tagging #sharesix_macro23

3 Comments on “Share Six: April 2023: Macro

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