Tell me a Story: August 2017

My blog is very simple this month.  I had surgery on both my feet 2 weeks ago and right now it is hard to focus on anything.

Friday, prior to surgery, Richard and I took a drive down to Key West for an overnight stay.  I decided I would share the quaint guest house that we stayed at.  It was called Simonton Court.  It was close to Duval Street and also close enough from where our sunset cruise left from.

The guest house seemed to be made up of possibly 3 different houses.  There was 8 rooms in the house we stayed in.  Below was our own private pool and it was really nice to slip into the water and cool down.

The property was lush with plants and had the feeling of a tropical jungle.  Especially after it rained and the humidity level rose.  Here are a few pics of where we stayed.

Key West: August 11, 2017 6394

I went outside to take photo’s and the humidity was so high that the lens kept fogging up but I really liked the effect that it had.


Key West: August 11, 2017 6402

This was our own private pool and we spent a fair bit of time in here.  It was great for me to cool down my aching feet in the water.


Key West: August 11, 2017

Light effects through out the area where we were staying.


Key West: August 11, 2017 6409

A view into another area which has it’s own private swimming pool.


Key West: August 11, 2017 6415

This pathway headed down to the main eating area and main swimming pool.


Key West: August 11, 2017 6416

Staggered along the pathway were these quaint little cottages.


Key West: August 11, 2017 6418

A view of the main house , the breakfast area and the main swimming pool.


Key West: August 11, 2017 6419

Where the pool is now, once stood a boiler house and when they took the boiler house down they decided to leave the brick corners.  It gives the pool a rustic effect.


Key West: August 11, 2017 6420

Nestled in the corner I found this hammock.  If we had not been leaving I would have been seriously tempted to hang out there.


Key West: August 11, 2017 6426

We did not use this pool although it looked very inviting but we were certainly glad to end off our day hanging out in our own private pool.


Key West: August 11, 2017 6385

This was just before we ended off the day.  We took a sunset cruise on a sailing ship.  What fun.


Key West: August 11, 2017 6382

Our captain on the Schooner Appledore typing up the sails as we motored back to the dock.

If you would like to see more of the sunset pics you can click here.

Thank you for joining me for this month’s Tell me a Story.    This is a circle blog.  Please take time to visit my fellow blogger Emily Kohl Photography and see what she has for you this month. Keep following the circle to see what the other photographers have shared this month. Don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages.

You can also find me on FacebookFlickrInstagramGoogle+ and Viewbug.


30 Minutes in the Life: August 2017

A last minute suggestion of an overnight stay in Key West in preparation for my long enforced sabbatical on the bed, post surgery, was met with enthusiasm.  Off to Key West we were going. Friday we walked a lot and by the evening my feet were not feeling happy.  One year post the first surgery and the discomfort is still evident.  Healing it appears, takes time.  Fortunately the cute little place we were staying in had a swimming pool right at the base of the steps to our room and I was able to spend an hour cooling down my feet.  Part of the attraction of heading to Key West is doing a sunset cruise.  This time around we opted to use the charter Seabago Watersports.  Normally we would do a catamaran cruise but this time we opted to go on the Sailing Ship, the Schooner Appledore.  Richard’s dream would be to travel on a sailing ship.  This was a smaller boat, less guests, a much quieter and reflective cruise.  The crew were awesome.  There were drinks on board and they provided sunset snacks which could easily have been a meal if you were not looking for a big dinner.  I would definitely recommend this cruise to anyone looking for an opportunity to watch the sunset.

The do not go out terribly far (but nor do any of the other cruise groups).  Out of harbor the sails are raised and the motor is cut and the boat gently bobbed along the calm seas.  I could easily get used to that if I did not know that the weather could as easily turn as well.  In fact, at one point I felt really relaxed and dozy.

For my 30 Minutes in the Life, I have chosen to show the ever changing sunset we had that evening.

Richard chose the back of the boat, and the wrong side of the boat, however, I could not complain when I managed to get the sail in the sunset image.


Our skipper at sunset.


Sunset from the Schooner Appledore.


The little cloud in the middle made me think of the Scottish word kelpie which is the name given to a shape-shifting water spirit inhabiting the lochs and pools of Scotland. My initial impression was of that of a horse but the shape changed a bit while I was focusing.


I love the changing colors of the sky.


Slowly the sun was setting behind a bank of clouds and it was a little disappointing that we were not getting a clear view of the setting sun, however the radiating sun gave off spectacular effects as the night closed in.


I love the liquid gold of the sea and the sun rays on the sky.


There are a number of yacht’s out doing exactly what we were doing and so it is nice to be able to capture some of them in my image.


This is the Seabago Catamaran in this image.  A bigger boat, more people, music and all the rest.


The sky from under the sail.


The Seabago Watersport Catamaran at sunset


What a beautiful way to end the evening.  This boat looked like it was hanging out in the bay for a while.


If you have not done a sunset cruise lately, and you are close enough to the ocean you may want to look into it.  I was glad that we chose the sailing ship over the party boat.  It was nice to be quiet and reflective given what is ahead of me in a few days.  The sunset warmed my soul and continue to impress me with the majesty of creation and the beautiful vision of the creator.

Thank you for joining me for this month’s 30 Minutes in Life. By the time you read this my surgery will be over, and I will be confined to bed for around 2 months.  I am looking forward to brightening my day through the circle blogs.  Please take time to visit my friend and fellow blogger Colleen Putman Photography and see what she has for you this month.   Keep following the circle to see what the other photographers, from the US and around the world,  have shared this month. Don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages.

You can also find me on FacebookFlickrInstagramViewbug and Google+





Share Six: August 2017: Collections

Kathy of KG Ledbetter Photography chose the theme Collections and this month had me really digging deep.  Besides for books, and Lensbaby optics, I personally do not have much in the line of collections.  I collected clowns when I was a teenager and up into my twenties, but they are some where in the shambles of reconstruction and to be honest I really do not know where they landed up.  I have family photographs but I am not sure that you really want to see any of those.

So I had to dig a bit deeper.  I hope you enjoy what I came up with.

101 Ways to shoot: Toys: November 2, 2015 3081

In the reconstruction zone I found 4 boxes of lego pieces that are part of a {Collection} that date back 25 years. I was a firm believer in using Lego and construction blocks for spacial development and fine motor skills and coordination. My children were encourage to play with their Lego daily. It was not unusual to find me down on the floor building Lego with them. Amy had the coolest beach theme Lego in pink and white and we created a whole coastal town with the ice cream parlor, play park, beach chairs and umbrellas with Lego people boating, windsurfing, and jet skiing. Every so often Cameron’s pirate people would invade the beach and all hell would break loose.  It typically involved a lot of screaming “Mom”.


First Care Benefit Dinner: November 3, 2015 2913

Another {Collection} image I came across was these calculators. Every years since 2002, I have worked at a fund raising banquet. Typically you would find these calculators laid out in the counting room in preparation for after the fund raiser ended. For accountability purposes all funds were counted immediately after the banquet.


Collections Jan 2, 2016: 3286

A {Collection} of raindrops. If you have followed my work, you will know that I love catching raindrops and their reflections. This particular day there was a collection of raindrops on the leaf.


Love: October 18, 2015 2172

I looked at this image as a {Collection} of pages that tells a story.  Books and I are firm friends. I love the smell of a book. I love to turn the pages and feel the paper in my hands. I am looking forward to spending some of the up-coming months working through a series of books.


M4H: Week 10: Shapes March1, 2015 3101

I was at the Ren Fest when I saw this {Collection} of bottles of “pixie dust”. I loved the colors and the way they were hanging off the beam.



I have ducks that a feed on a daily basis and very often they can get quite aggressive with each other resulting in feathers lying on the grass. This {Collection} of feathers was taken on a mirror.

Thank you for joining me for this month’s Share Six.  This is a circle blog.  From the sneak peak images I have seen, you are going to want to follow the circle.  Please take time to visit our my friend Aubrey of Applewood Photography and see what she has for you this month. Keep following the circle to see what the other photographers have shared this month.  Don’t forget to leave a little love on their page as well.

You can also find me on FacebookFlickrInstagramGoogle+ and Viewbug.

Now it is your turn. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook at Share Six and come and share your images on the theme Collections throughout the month of August.  A new theme will come out on September 6.

Remember you can follow us on Instagram at @sharesix  and tag your images #sharesix_collections.

You can also find the Share Six webpage at

We look forward to seeing your images on the theme Collections.