Tell Me a Story: September 2018

Well the title this month seems apt to where I am going with my next few blogs.  I am telling a story.  On September 14, 2018, with just a single carry on bag and a camera bag each, we headed off on a whirlwind exploration of north east America.  By chance we were offered the use of a cottage in Wells Beach, Maine.  The discussion was quick, the answer was yes, and I began studying the surrounding areas and planning things to do and see.  My friend said this vacation was going to kill us and she was not far off the mark.  We did so much and saw so much.  I was blown away by the beauty up north and yes we were lucky enough to see the start of the fall colors making their appearance in the area.

So on the Friday morning – bags packed and all ready to go we head off to the local airport at some crazy early hour, like 4:30 am.  Our flight to Boston was via Atlanta.  We had been watching Florence all week and wondering how that would impact us.  Good news – no impact at all, not even a bump.

Arriving in Boston, I knew from my agenda that we were heading to Salem first, then on to Manchester by the Sea, and finally up to Wells Beach.  I also knew that we did not have a lot of time in each place due to our check in time in Wells Beach.

Navigating through and out of Boston, came with a few choice words, and a good reminder never to do Amazing Race with Richard.  I am a useless navigator and it is hard to follow a map when you have no clue where you are.  Of course, it is even more annoying when your driver does not trust your navigation system 😦

That said we finally arrived in Salem, along with the 2000 other tourists.  What I have learned over the years is that Richard has little patience with traffic and especially in places he does not know.  So we whizzed down the main street of Salem, with me saying “mmm that looked interesting”.  We found the main city center and after finding a parking we got out and walked around the town.  There were some interesting sights to see in Salem.

First off, I love the old buildings.  I love the cobblestones (although they are not that comfortable to walk on).  A lot of the buildings are brown.  All these towns have wonderful old churches.

Salem’s history dates back to around 1692 and the story of the the witch trials.  If you want to read more about the witch trials click here.

Maine, New Hampshire, Massachuttes:  September 2018: 9379

Bewitched Statue of Elizabeth Montgomery

The history behind this statue is that this is a depiction of the woman who starred as Samantha in the sitcom “Bewitched”.


Maine, New Hampshire, Massachuttes:  September 2018: 9381

Nooks and cranny’s where you could stop to rest your weary feet and have a drink.


Maine, New Hampshire, Massachuttes:  September 2018: 9383

Lady of Salem – there were a number of artist inspired ladies posted around the area.


Maine, New Hampshire, Massachuttes:  September 2018: 9385

Lots of color around nightmare Gallery


Maine, New Hampshire, Massachuttes:  September 2018: 9386

And talking nightmare gallery – this CVS is not on my list of places to visit.


Maine, New Hampshire, Massachuttes:  September 2018: 9389

You will find a lot of pics of Richard walking ahead of me – I get easily distracted.  Love the cobble stone and the red brick pavers.


Maine, New Hampshire, Massachuttes:  September 2018: 9401

I loved looking up at the amazing edgings along this building.


Maine, New Hampshire, Massachuttes:  September 2018: 9391

I am not quiet sure what this is but it looks scary enough to be in Salem.


Maine, New Hampshire, Massachuttes:  September 2018: 9393

Like all these historical cities you have many actors sharing their thoughts on city life.


Maine, New Hampshire, Massachuttes:  September 2018: 9395

We walked around looking for a restaurant but never found one.  Finally found one at 7 pm that evening – first meal of the day and it wasn’t in Salem.


Maine, New Hampshire, Massachuttes:  September 2018:

I spotted this guy playing music from the top of the road and just zoomed in on him.  Only realized later that he was outside the Salem Museum.


Maine, New Hampshire, Massachuttes:  September 2018: 9403

As I mentioned earlier I love old buildings and if you follow this series of blogs you will find a number of old churches that we came across.


Maine, New Hampshire, Massachuttes:  September 2018: 9409

Tabernacle Congregational Church in Salem.


Maine, New Hampshire, Massachuttes:  September 2018: 9405

We are on the road, leaving Salem and heading towards Manchester on the Sea.  Notice something different, yup we are heading into fog.


This is a circle blog and I am looking forward to seeing what everyone else has got up to this month.  Follow the link here to see what my fellow blogger  Beth of Beth Williams Photoblog has for you this month.  Don’t forget to leave a little love on her page.

Look out for the next installment of our road trip when we head to Manchester by the Sea, city of the 2017 film “Manchester by the Sea”

You can also find me on FacebookFlickrInstagramGoogle+ and Viewbug.

Share Six: August 2018: Gold

This month we switched out our theme – or rather postponed it.  The reason we did this is that this month highlights the Childhood Cancer.  “September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month, so for all of September we’ve decided to team up and join forces with @thegoldhopeproject to help spread awareness!!

If you or your family have been affected by cancer then you know how hard it is to walk that journey.  I could not imagine having my child suffer from cancer.  It was hard enough watching my boy go through surgery after surgery for 9 years for a bone disorder, but at least I knew that, unless something went horribly wrong in surgery, he would be going home with me.  Yes, we had long recuperation periods but that boy is now 29 years old and I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to walk that journey with him.

For those of you that don’t know, The Gold Hope Project is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization of photographers who aim to provide free portrait sessions to families battling pediatric cancer. As photographers, we understand how truly important it is to document our children’s lives, and what better gift to give to parents going through such a tremendously difficult time!

In addition to pairing young warriors with photographers, @TheGoldHopeProject also works to raise funds for pediatric cancer research! If you want to participate with us this month, here are just a few things you can consider:

1. Tag your gold photos with the #TeamUp4GoldKids (for features) and #theGoldHopeProject (to spread awareness). You will have a chance to be featured on one of the MANY participating hubs for the month of September!
2. Go to and see how you can apply to be a registered photographer!
3. Donate! It DOES make a difference!

This month was perfect for me.  We had just spent a weekend down in the Keys.  On the first night we headed off to my favorite spot to capture the sunset.  We did did some walking around and then Richard wandered off and I sat down on a tree stump to wait for the setting sun.  I had an interesting companion that evening – a homeless man joined me and chatted with me for over an hour.  I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with him.  I was too scared to ask him if I could take his photograph but next time I am down there, if he is there I will.  So here are my {Gold} images for this month.

Marathon/Key West Vacation:  August 17-22, 2018: 8669

Marathon/Key West Vacation:  August 17-22, 2018: 8704

Marathon/Key West Vacation:  August 17-22, 2018: 8706

Marathon/Key West Vacation:  August 17-22, 2018: 8728

Marathon/Key West Vacation:  August 17-22, 2018: 8741

This last picture is a victory picture for this man.  You see, 18 months after we were married, he developed a melanoma.   It was a scary time for us.  He had to have a second surgery to remove additional areas as the cancer was sitting on the edges of the the flesh that they had cut out.  After they were happy that they had got everything out, he had to have a skin graft.  18 months later, they picked up cancer in his lymph nodes under his left arm.  More surgery to remove all the lymph nodes.  You have to know that by then I was in panic mode.  He is going to die!  Radiation came next and the waiting seemed endless.  30 years later his is still alive.  I am grateful that we were given this time together.  We do not know what tomorrow will bring but I am thankful that we have had an incredible journey together.

Marathon/Key West Vacation:  August 17-22, 2018: 8624

Here are a few Childhood Cancer Facts

– Cancer is the #1 disease killer of kids in the US.

-Childhood Cancer is more than a dozen types of cancers combined including tumors, leukemia and lymphomas.

-The causes of most childhood cancer is unknown. Childhood cancer can not be prevented.

– Many childhood cancer treatments are the same that existed in the 1970s.

– 1 out of 8 children with cancer will not survive.

– Childhood cancer research receives 4% of the annual budget from the National Cancer Institute. That equals 195 million for all 12 types of childhood cancer. Adult cancers receive the renewing 96% of the budget.

– 9 children are diagnosed with a brain tumor everyday.

– 43 children are diagnosed with cancer each day.

So come and share your {Gold} images with us on our  our Facebook page and our Instagram Page  by tagging #sharesix_gold.

Help to be a part of highlighting Childhood Cancer Awareness and remember you can:

1. Tag your gold photos with the #TeamUp4GoldKids (for features) and #theGoldHopeProject (to spread awareness). You will have a chance to be featured on one of the MANY participating hubs for the month of September!
2. Go to and see how you can apply to be a registered photographer!
3. Donate! It DOES make a difference!

Thank you for joining me for this month’s Share Six blog post.  This is a circle blog.  From the sneak peak images I have seen, you are going to want to follow the circle.  Please take time to visit my friend and very talented artist Ceri Herd Photography and see what she has for you this month. Keep following the circle to see what the other photographers have shared this month.  Don’t forget to leave a little love on their page as well.

You can also find me on FacebookFlickrInstagramGoogle+ and Viewbug.