30 Minutes in the Life: April 2018

All motor vehicles were kicked out of the neighborhood this past week in order to repave the road.  So the first day I went off to work, and when I came home it appeared that you could drive in.  All they had done was lifted the existing tar.  So I snuck in, rebel that I am lol.  However, that meant I had to be out by 7am.  That is cutting it fine for me, but it was better than walking to the main road, which I knew was going to happen soon.

That said I was way to early for work.  Earlier in the month I had filled up with gas and purchased a car wash.  However, when I went to wash the car, 6 cars had joined the line while I was filling up with gas .  Since I was on my lunch break I decided to skip the car wash and do it some other time.

I did go to use it once, and I was waiting in line and this car was ahead of me.  The owner of the car seemed to be pushing buttons to go in for his car wash but nothing seemed to be happening.  Eventually he drove off, obviously annoyed.  I pulled up to start my car wash process and his wash was still in process.  I pushed a button to get out of his car wash and it told me to pull ahead and get my car washed.  Yikes, I was getting a free car wash at a very unhappy person’s expense.  If I hadn’t seen him drive out of the gas station, I could have given him my car wash but oh well, my car got washed for free.

However, I was still sitting with my due to expire car wash, and so since I had to be out of the neighborhood by 7am I decided to stop on my way to work and wash my car.  So my images this month are from inside the car wash. All the images were taken with my cellphone and post edited in photoshop.  As I edited so I experimented a little bit with some photoshop options to get some creative abstract art.

Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9066Car Wash:  April 18, 2018:9067Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9068Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9069Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9070Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9071Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9073Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9073Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9074Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9075Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9076Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9077Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9078Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9079Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9080Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9081Car Wash:  April 18, 2018: 9082

Car wash done and I still arrived at work 10 minutes early.  It seemed like I flew to work that day.  Of course the next day I was taking the short cut (?) along the bank of the canal to my car.  The grass was very wet and I ended up with wet shoes and the bottoms of my jeans were soaked.  Last night I moved my car inside and stayed home instead.  I hope that they are done this afternoon as I have to get out bright and early tomorrow morning for our annual fundraiser.

Thank you for joining me for this month’s 30 Minutes in Life.  For the rest of the blog group, please take time to visit my friend and fellow blogger  Liz Godfrey Photography and see what she has for you this month.   Keep following the circle of photographers to see what the other photographers, from the US and around the world,  have shared this month. Don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages.

You can also find me on FacebookFlickrInstagramViewbug and Google+


Tell me a story: April 2018

Recently Richard and I decided we needed a break and we wanted to get away for a few days once again.  We have not gone for a while because of all my surgeries.  As you know we do a lot of camping with our pop up.  The only days we could get was a Wednesday to Friday so we took time off week and headed up to Flagler Beach.  This is one of my favorite places to vacation because the campsite is right on the beach. Of course you arrive up there midday and by the time you have set up things it is time to consider heading out for an early dinner and then watch the sunset.


Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3240

I was up early in the morning and stood at the edge of our campsite and watched the sun rise once again.  It was great to watch the Osprey fishing and the pelicans parade up and down the coast.

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3286

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3292

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 1301

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3317

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3337

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3341

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3350

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3356

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3205

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3363

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3366

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3373

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3389

A bit of time was spent at the beach and before we knew it, it was time for the setting sun and the end of another day in paradise.

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3417

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3422

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3430

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3475

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3537

Flagler Beach: April 4-6 2018: 9028

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3532

We headed back out for an early dinner and then went along to the river side to watch the sun set again.

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3752

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3610

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3618

Gamble Rogers State Park: March 4-6, 2018: 3656

Although the weather turned cold, the days on the beach were well worth the time it took to get away.  It is always nice to be at the edge of the ocean, hearing the waves go to and fro and enjoying the peace of the moment.

This is a circle blog and I am looking forward to seeing what everyone else has got up to this month.  Follow the link here to see what my friend Beth Williams has for you this month, Don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages.

You can also find me on FacebookFlickrInstagramGoogle+ and Viewbug.

Inspired by Life: April 2018

Recently Amy and I went to the Renaissance Fair that was in town locally.  It is always fun and there are many interesting aspects to them.  This year one of the aspects was Falconry.  Just as the Renaissance Fair deals with medieval times, so Falconry began in medieval times.  So it was not surprising to see a display about Falconry.

Now I have to be honest, I am not one for seeing naturally wild animals tethered to a string.  I believe that wild animals should live in the wild.  That’s is why you will not often find me at a zoo.  But I also know that I do not have enough knowledge to fully expand on falconry and the sport it is.  My understanding is that these birds were born in captivity and would not survive being let go.

However, that said, it was a real treat for me to get up close to some semi wild raptors and to be able to photograph them.   The birds that I believe were on display were a Harris Hawk, a Falcon, an Eurasian Eagle Owl and a Barn Owl.

Below are the images I managed to get of these beautiful birds.

The Eurasian Eagle Owl is a stunning bird and they had a pair of them on site.  It is one of the largest owls in the species.  It is nocturnal and hunts for birds and small mammals.  They also hunt for insects, fish, large insects and reptiles.    The male is the provider of food when there are chicks and they will look after the chicks until they are 5 months.

Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018:  1647Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018: 1651Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018: 1653Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018: 1664Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018:Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018:Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018:  1761Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018:  1763


The Falcon that was on display was an incredible looking bird.  I would like to say that it is a Lanner  Falcon but I am not certain.  What I loved about this bird was the incredible feather formation that it is displaying below.  If it is the Lanner Falcon, the bird can grow between 43-50 cm in height.   The bird has light underparts.  The falcons typically eat insect, dragonflies and occasionally small birds.  The Lanner Falcon has a reddish color to the back of its head.

Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018: 1648Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018:  1661Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018: 1691Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018: 1746Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018: 1749


The Barn Owl was a sweet looking bird and was very affectionate to it’s owner.  The Barn Oul is a common owl and is distributed across many areas of the globe.  They typically range between 33 and 39 cm in height with a wingspan of 80 – 95cm.  Their face resembles the shape of a heart and it is normally white.   The Barn Owl hunts  prey living on the ground.  They hunt small mammals.  The Barn Owl will generally mate for life.  However, if one mate dies, then a new bond may be formed.    The Barn Owl will generally lay 4 eggs in a hollowed out tree or on a cliff.  The female will sit on the eggs and care for the chicks while the male does all of the providing.

Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018: 1687Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018:  1699Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018:  1721


The Harris Hawk is a social bird and often flies in sets.  One display were three birds.  The Harris Hawk is around 46-59 cm in height and has a wingspan of about 103-12-cm.  The juvenile hawk is mainly streaked. Harris Hawks live in sparse woodlands.  The hawk eats small birds, large insects, mammals and lizards.  The female does most of the incubation of the eggs. Interestingly the young stay with the parents up to three years.

Rennaisance Fair: Deerfield Beach: February 25, 2018: 1755


Thank you for joining me for this month’s Inspired by Life.   Please note that this blog is my personal views and does not reflect the views of the blog group.  This is a circle blog. Please take time to visit my fellow blogger Kym Heaton in Australia and see what she has for you this month. Keep following the circle to see what the other photographers have shared this month. Don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages.

You can also find me on FacebookFlickrInstagramGoogle+ and Viewbug.

10 on 10: April 2018

We have had some pretty spectacular sunrises lately what I am seeing on my drive to work.  It’s a bummer because I am always on the highway and not able to stop.  So on my day off I decided to drag myself out of bed and head to the beach while it was still dark.  Deerfield Beach is one of my favorites because of the pier.  So I settled in to wait and watch the sun make it’s appearance once again, and to be grateful for a new day.

There was plenty of cloud cover and I was not sure I was going to get too much, but I loved how the sky changed color as the sun got higher.

Here is my morning on the beach watching the sun show it’s face.

Sunrise at Deerfield Beach: March 23, 2018:


Sunrise at Deerfield Beach: March 23, 2018: 2518


Sunrise at Deerfield Beach: March 23, 2018: 2515


Sunrise at Deerfield Beach: March 23, 2018:


Sunrise at Deerfield Beach: March 23, 2018: 2525


Sunrise at Deerfield Beach: March 23, 2018: 2557


Sunrise at Deerfield Beach: March 23, 2018: 2560


Sunrise at Deerfield Beach: March 23, 2018:  2580


Sunrise at Deerfield Beach: March 23, 2018: 2592


Sunrise at Deerfield Beach: March 23, 2018:

Thank you for joining me for this month’s 10 on 10.  This is a circle blog.  Please take time to visit my fellow blogger Lexie Merrit and see what she has for you this month. Keep following the circle to see what the other photographers have shared this month. Don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages.

You can also find me on FacebookFlickrInstagramGoogle+ and Viewbug.

Share Six: April 2018: Lines

The theme this month was chosen by Kim of Kim Sidwell Photography.  Sadly Kim has left us this month and we wish her well.  I know I am going to miss chatting and blogging with Kim.  The theme she chose was {Lines}.

Lines … well lines on a paper and it is associated with homework.  Nope that is not going to work.  The blinds are made up with lines but there is only so much I can do with that.  Standing in lines will get old pretty quickly.  None of the definitions really spoke to me either.

So I decided to add to the theme and chose to do Leading {Lines}.  Two of these images were taken in the past week, the rest over a period of time.


Sunrise at Deerfield Beach: March 23, 2018: 2557

Friday morning I headed down to the beach to watch the sunrise.  This is taken standing under the pier.


Denver Vacation: March 16, 2013

Taken heading through a tunnel traveling from Denver to Breckenridge.  Luckily I was the passenger.


Hutchinson Island: January 21, 2017:

This bridge is found over the Jupiter inlet and I love the lines of the amazing structure.  I happened to be sitting at a restaurant just beyond my view.


MSD High School Walk for our Lives:  March 24, 2018: 3140

Last week we did the March for our Lives.  Parking was an issue and so I parked at the local University and we caught a shuttle bus.  After the march this line seemed incredibly long.  They made us walk to the very front of the line to get on the buses.

Sanibel Island:  December 4 2015, 0465

I love the lines on this bridge.  Once again I am under the bridge.  This is the over pass that links the mainland with Sanibel Island.


Bahia Honda: May 24, 2013 7231

This image is taken between the highways down in the Florida Keys.

Thank you for joining me for this month’s Share Six.  This is a circle blog.  From the sneak peak images I have seen, you are going to want to follow the circle.  Please take time to visit my friend Elizabeth at Its Still Life Photography by Elizabeth Wilson and see what she has for you this month. Keep following the circle to see what the other photographers have shared this month.  Don’t forget to leave a little love on their page as well.

You can also find me on FacebookFlickrInstagramGoogle+ and Viewbug.

Now it is your turn. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook at Share Six and come and share your images on the theme {Lines} throughout the month of March.  A new theme will come out on April 6.

Remember you can follow us on Instagram at @sharesix  and tag your images #sharesix_lines.

You can also find the Share Six webpage at http://www.sharesix.wordpress.com

We look forward to seeing your images on the theme {Lines}