By Heart P52 – 2017

By Heart has been one of my favorite groups to be a part of and over the year I have been featured a number of time.  I am always grateful for all the work the Admins have put in and all the encouragement I have received from an amazing group of photographers.  I do hope that they do this again this coming year. Below…

2017: Be Inspired, Be Soul Focus Inspired

I did another project in 2017 called Be Inspired, Be Soul Focus Inspired.  Here we were provided with a quote, or a poem, or the lyrics from a song, and we had to come up with an image once a month.  So it was a P12 photography Project This project challenged me to think outside of my comfort zone.  I had to ponder on…

2017: Inspire yourself P52: Black and White

This year I joined a group of artist to do a P52.  That means one photo a week.  We had to choose a theme for the year and I opted to go with Black and White.  There were no strict rules, just a whole lot of encouragement to pick up my camera and shoot images.  Below are all the images I took through the…