Tell me a story: October 2016

It is now end October and I am 3 months post surgery, and recovery is taking a lot longer than I expected. However, I am pleased to say that I managed to get a shoe on last week, even though it is far wider than I would normally have it, and I still cannot lace it up, but it is on, and feels relatively comfortable.  I wore it to work all week.  The first day nearly killed me, it was so uncomfortable.  The next day I lost the bandage and just wore a sock.  What a difference.  So come Friday and I am meeting friends for lunch and decide I will go to one of the local National parks where the walk is not that far and try and take some photographs.  No such luck, Richard had removed the pass out my car.  So, I go to the next best thing, Green Cay wetlands.  My first challenge, do I attempt to walk down the ramp.  Walking down may not be too bad but walking up may not be pleasant.  I decided to risk it.  I cannot measure in yards, but for those that work in metric, I probably walked 50 meters and I knew it was time to turn around and walk back to my car, which was probably another 50 meters away.  The park is about 4 kilometers long and that is just not an option right now.  So I really only got 4 images.  They were in one of my favorite styles to shoot and so I decided to go back through my old files, and do some re-edits now that my computer has been calibrated, and use some of those to add to the 4 images that I took.

My Curly Tail Lizard caught climbing up onto the deck

Leaf on the boardwalk

Worm on the boardwalk

Leaf on the boardwalk

The simple pleasures in life can be found right at your back door. My suntanning Curly Tail Lizard

Leaf on the boardwalk

A apple snail that hatch in the garden

Seedlings popping out the boardwalk railing


Leaf on the boardwalk

The simple pleasures in life can be found right at your back door. I happened to go outside and spotted this curly tailed lizard sunning himself on the rocks

Leaf on the boardwalk

Shell on the boardwalk

Leaf on the boardwalk

An interesting flying bug that we came across.

Thank you for joining me for this month’s Tell me a Story.    This is a circle blog.  Please take time to visit my fellow blogger Mindy Sauvageau of Orange Moon Photography and see what she has for you this month. Keep following the circle to see what the other photographers have shared this month. Don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages.

You can also find me on FacebookFlickr, Instagram and Google+

Love: October 18, 2015 2172


30 Minutes in the Life: October 2016

I am not sure where this month has gone, but 30 Minutes in the Life is live again.  This month I actually got out and took photo’s.  For the past 3 months ever since I had foot surgery, Richard has wanted to go off road bicycle riding.  I have not felt up to going anywhere, but he could have gone.  I think he really wants me to get out.  Problem is I really don’t feel like getting out.  So last weekend I suggested that if he wanted to go I would be happy to do so.  The state park is about 1 hour from where we live and so we left around 8am so that he would be able to cycle in the slightly cooler weather.  The park is pretty big, and while I would like to say I walked around, I really drove to places and  walked short distances.

When it came to editing I think the images I wanted to push myself outside of my comfort zone and go dark.  I experimented with burning edges and vignettes.

Possibly this is a reflection of what my mood has been this week.  Tuesday evening was the highlight with me having a major meltdown, that resulted in tears and a pity party for one. Just being real here.

Part of it is all about expectations.  I expect, and others expect me to be able to do more than I really can do.  I am back at work, and moving around so I should be able to do what I was doing before.  However, the frustration for me is that I can’t.  I am dealing with daily swelling.  I am learning to walk differently. My foot hurts, my heel hurts even more, and I am the only one that knows that.  No one else can feel the pain or what I am going through.  I wish I could wave a wand and make it better, but the realization is that this is a slow, slow journey and I have to deal with it the best way I can.

So here are my dark, moody images for the month of October.

Johnathon Dickinson State Park: October 15, 2016 3763

I love the lensbaby effect and this was taken with the composer pro and the sweet 50 optic. I bought this for Amy and decided to test it out myself to make sure everything was in working order.

Johnathon Dickinson State Park: October 15, 2016 3767

I had to laugh. I had stopped at the side of the road to take this image, and a man and his wife road up in there golf cart vehicle. He asked me what did I see. When I told him trees, he looked at me blankly. Then he said to me, there is a gate post over there. For him it was trees, for me it was light and dark.

Johnathon Dickinson State Park: October 15, 2016 3768

There is a definite sign of autumn with winter just around the corner. Leaves are turning and some are dying. I personally am looking forward to the cooler winter months.

Johnathon Dickinson State Park: October 15, 2016 3782

In amongst the grass were weeds. Weeds on their own are not something to get excited about, but close up this little weed looks quite regal to me.

Lizard on a fallen branch

This lizard was on a fallen branch. He kept puffing out his orange flap at me and finally settled into this position while keeping his beady eye on me.

Johnathon Dickinson State Park: October 15, 2016 3807

I can relate to this buoy line – for right now – I feel isolated from the life I have been so used to. I use walking in the wetlands to clear my head and do my thinking. I can’t do that right now, and I really really want to.

Johnathon Dickinson State Park: October 15, 2016 3839

There are so few birds at this state park. But this little Mockingbird flew up to the trees and I love the way the branches framed it.

Johnathon Dickinson State Park: October 15, 2016 3858

This tiny flower was taken with my macro lens. I love how the white pops out against the dark. What I really loved about the flower was all the frilly ends on the ends of the stamen

Reflections of my mood

I have felt like this tree all week. There has been a feeling of dark all around, but there is light around me as well. I give thanks for those who have been a light this week, because for the first time in three months I really felt like I battled the dark.

I hope I have not depressed you but I am just keeping it real.  I have been really good up until now, and the week just got to me and the tipping point just sent me over the edge.  I am back up and I am doing things but as I write this I know that within a short while I am going to head to the bed and elevate and ice my foot.  I am grateful for the people in this group, and the friends I have in the different photography groups, and those that I work with who have encouraged me and strengthened me through this journey. I don’t say it enough but without Richard and his help, I probably would have melted long ago.

Thank you for joining me for this month’s 30 Minutes in Life.    This is a circle blog.  Please take time to visit my fellow blogger Sophie James | Bluebells on the Green Lifestyle Photography, Scotland and see what she has for you this month. Keep following the circle to see what the other photographers have shared this month. Don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages.

30 Minutes changed their name to Journey to an Artist.  If you want to know more about Journey to an Artist head over to their Facebook page, or to the blog page.  There is new and exciting happenings going on with the group Journey to an Artist that you are sure to want to check it out.

You can also find me on FacebookFlickr, Instagram and Google+



Artist Inspired: October 2016: Pink

The theme this month of Artist Inspired is PINK.  Pink is not my favorite color, however, the Roseate Spoonbill is definitely one of my favorite birds and they happen to be a gorgeous color of pink.  Since I am still not walking out and about, I have gone to some old images I have of this bird.  I often see the Roseate Spoonbill when I am walking through the wetlands.  It is a treat when you see a lot of them but one at a time is a special thrill as well.  The Roseate Spoonbill is a wading bird.  Watching them feed is always interesting as they swing their bill, which is shaped like a spoon, from side to side.  They feed on frogs, small insects, crustaceans, and small fish.  They build their nests in trees typically laying 3 – 5 eggs.   I hope you love this bird as much as I do.


Roseate Spponbill

Roseate Spoonbill

Roseate Spponbill

Roseate Spponbill

Roseate Spponbill

Roseate Spoonbill

Roseate Spoonbill


Roseate Spoonbill


October is breast cancer awareness month.  I have learned a lot about breast cancer recently.  One of our bloggers has shared very openly about the process she is going through as she deals with breast cancer.  I also have a cousin who recently underwent a mastectomy, and breast reconstruction.  Stats say that one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Remember to be aware of early warning signs, check your breasts for lumps, do your annual mammogram.  It is better to be safe than sorry.  To learn more about breast cancer awareness and what you should do to be informed and how you can make a difference click here.  


Just a reminder that this is a circle blog and I would encourage you to click to continue on reading what they other photographers in this group have for you.  Please stop by Carrine’s photography page Jupiter Hue Photography and read her blog.  Don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages.


You can also find me on FacebookFlickr, Instagram and Google+


The Artists Inspired Blog Circle is made up of an exceptionally talented group of photographers from all walks of life, from all over the world. They are wives, mothers, friends, daughters and visual storytellers who draw from their own experiences to create art that is inspiring, unique, beautiful and thought-provoking.

The Artists Inspired Blog Circle is made up of an exceptionally talented group of photographers from all walks of life, from all over the world. They are wives, mothers, friends, daughters and visual storytellers who draw from their own experiences to create art that is inspiring, unique, beautiful and thought-provoking.

Share Six: October 2016: Time

Time was hard for me.  The first thought is a clock, but none of my clocks are interesting and I did not have a pendant watch.  So I had to start thinking outside the box.

The theme “Time” was chosen by Brandi and we decided to keep it.  Kathy will be choosing the feature artist this month and I look forward to seeing who will be her choice as the featured guest artist.

Kathy shared some thoughts on the topic time.

“When I think of time, I think about how extremely fast it is passing us by. As photographers we have the ability to freeze those moments – beauty, reality, chaos, love, connection …life.


Here is my interpretation of the theme Time.


The cameo and pearls were my grandmothers and I have a lot of good memories of her. The Bible belonged to Richards grandmother and she passed it down to him before she died. Faith is a strong foundation of my life, and am always reminded that this bible is an inheritance passed down from generation to generation.

Time and memories are endless.  The cameo and pearls were my grandmothers.  She would have been 116 years old if she had lived today.  The stories she told of her younger years live on in my memories.   The Bible belonged to Richards grandmother and she passed it down to him before she died. Inside the bible is the birth, marriage and death dates of so many family members. Faith is a strong foundation of my life, and am always reminded that this bible is an inheritance passed down from generation to generation.  The pearls were my mothers.  She loved pearls and they were given to me when she  passed away.  Her love for me embraces me across time.        She will always be here with me.


The chess set was lying on the coffee table and I thought "this is also glass".

As our kids were growing up we played games with them.  Scrabble, Rummikub; Uno; Domino’s; Chess and various other games.  We quickly learned that playing with Cameron often took time.  Especially playing Rummikub.  He had a habit of re-arranging the entire board, only to find out at the end his move did not work.  Time and patience is how we played the game.  He played chess with his father, because I apparently don’t play strategy games too well.


Richards hands

These hands have guided our children through 28 years of growing.  He has guided, worried, prayed, encouraged and disciplined.  Time has passed way to quickly.


Over exposure can sometimes lead to some funky images. I kind of like how this came out.

Time is precious.  In December, 2 years ago, Amy had a bad accident that resulted in a number of surgeries.  I ended up travelling up to her 4 times over the year to be with her during the surgeries.  In September 1 year ago, she traveled with the Peace Corp to Macedonia to work as a teacher. She will be gone for 27 months. I was so grateful for the time I got to spend with her before she left the country even if it was in a nursing capacity.  During the time that we were there, we took a drive through to Paynes Prairie and did an impromptu shoot.


Random chairs on the beach

The older I get the more precious this kind of time is to me. Down time, relaxation time, the beach to myself time. Constantly de-stressing is important for me. I really like to take time out. Whether it is the beach or the wetlands, that quality alone time is what I need.


All living beings, human, plant, animals must die at some point in time. I love that this plant has died graciously with all it's beauty still appealing to the eye.

Life is a time line.  All living beings, human, plant, animals must die at some point in time. I love that this plant has died graciously with all it’s beauty still appealing to the eye.  I pray that I will age well and that I won’t worry about the looks but about the heart.  I hope that when my timeline comes to an end I will be able to say “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7)


Time is so precious.  Make the most of it.  Love one another, mend fences where they need to be mended, forgive where forgiveness is due. Give time freely, give graciously.  Don’t give expecting something in return.  Make the most of time, it is a priceless commodity.  It is yours, use it well.

There is only on thing more precious than our time

It is who we spend it on.

~ Leo Christopher


Thank you for joining me for this month’s Share Six.  This is a circle blog. Please take time to visit my friend Kim of Kim Sidwell Photography and see what she has for you this month.  Keep following the circle to see what the other photographers have shared this month.  Don’t forget to leave a little love on their page as well.


You can also find me on FacebookFlickr, Instagram and Google+


Now it is your turn. Don’t forget to like us on facebook at Share Six and come and share your images on the theme Time throughout the month of October.  A new theme will come out on November 6.

Remember you can follow us on Instagram at @sharesix and tag your images #sharesix and #sharesix_time.

You can also find the Share Six webpage at

We cannot wait to see your images on the theme Time.

