Tell me a Story: February 2020: Maine

Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts:  September 2018: 0248

The Coastline of Maine is beautiful, and we got to explore the area.  Heading up to Bar Harbor, Maine, Richard had a goal.  Visit Arcadia National Park.  If you know anything about me or if you have learned over the past few years, I have had 3 foot surgeries.  The words National Park, and foot surgeries do not go well together in my opinion.  I know what to expect when I hear National Park.  While my feet are okay they certainly are not pain free and after 3-4 hours of walking I need to stop and rest for a while.

One thing that I really enjoyed about Arcadia National Park was the coastline.  And yes, it did involve the word “Hiking”.  Ever since my 20’s the word “hiking” makes me want to run and hide.  I do however, get through it and typically find I have enjoyed it by the end.  Hiking in Arcadia National Park is really not the same as hiking in South Africa.  In the USA it is more drive to the next parking lot, spend 20 minutes trying to find the furthest parking from where you are actually going and then walking on a pathway/steps etc to get to where you are going.

Arcadia was not far from that although we did get to do some rough climbing over rocks etc.  The coastline is rugged and impressive and is well worth the visit. On some of these images I  stood at the top of the rocks looking down watching the water come in and go out and kept getting the feeling that I was being sucked into the flow.

Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts:  September 2018: 0209

Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts:  September 2018: 0210

Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts:  September 2018: 0213

Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts:  September 2018:0 0218

Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts:  September 2018: 0239

Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts:  September 2018: 0242

Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts:  September 2018: 0238

If you are visiting Maine, do your best to plan a stop over in Bar Harbor and Arcadia National Park.  Visit the Mount Desert dramatic rocky coastline and also look out for Jordan’s Pond in Arcadia, or also know as Long Pond.  It is definitely a highlight in the area.  Look out for our early morning sunrise at Bar Harbor blog coming out on the 6th.

Thank you for joining me this month as we spend time sharing another day in our lives.  This is a circle blog.  Take some time to view what the other artists have for you this month. My friend Mindy of  is up next and I can’t wait to read what she has to share.


Love:  October 18, 2015 2172