Share Six: February 2017: Shadows

Shadows!! Wow, this topic stumped me.  When I go out there is generally me, myself and I, and shadows with people in it is not always possible.  I took a walk at Morikami Japanese Gardens the other day thinking I would find these awesome shadows.  Well not so much. But here are two that I liked from that walk.

A walk in the Japanese Gardens

I am not up to walking the whole of the Japanese Gardens but the bamboo garden created some fun shadows.


Waiting for the bench to be occupied

Sitting in the shadows of this amazing tree always appeals to me and so I waited until this man sat down and then I snapped away.


Shadows of a Boat Tailed Grackle

I walk alot in the wetlands and come across all sorts of birds.  I loved the shadows of a Boat Tailed Grackle.



This was taken on a day out with my daughter, who is also a photographer.  Her absence and the  shadows in the walkway remind me that this time of her being away is temporary and that she will be home within the year.  I do miss her though and was blessed to have her home for Christmas.


I felt like there should be an elf steering his raft down the canal this evening.

Shadows can also come in the form of a reflection.  This is the husk of a palm tree the I sent floating down the river. I felt like there should be an elf steering his raft down the canal this evening.  Something out of Lord of the Rings.


We woke up on the 3rd day to a vision of white. Darn cold outside Property of Sharleen N Stuart Photography - All rights reserved

We were visiting Denver and woke up on the 3rd day to a vision of white. I love Richard shadow as he walked through this icy vista.  It did not last long before he headed inside and out of the cold.  I continued to walk the city.


Thank you for joining me for this month’s Share Six.  This is a circle blog. Please take time to visit my friend Kathy of KG Ledbetter Photography and see what she has for you this month.  Keep following the circle to see what the other photographers have shared this month.  Don’t forget to leave a little love on their page as well.

You can also find me on FacebookFlickr, InstagramGoogle+ and Viewbug.

Now it is your turn. Don’t forget to like us on facebook at Share Six and come and share your images on the theme Shadows throughout the month of February.  A new theme will come out on March 6.

Remember you can follow us on Instagram at @sharesix  and tag your images #sharesix_shadows.

You can also find the Share Six webpage at

We look forward to seeing your images on the theme Shadows
