30 Minutes in the Life: July 2020

And so life goes on…. Florida is spiking like crazy and I am staying at home as much as possible. The virus came closer to home with my sister in law, who lives oversees, being diagnosed Covid Positive. Then one of my husband’s employees was diagnosed Covid positive. We are now quarantining for the next 2 weeks dependent on his test this last week. It is a bit of a wake up call that it really can affect you no matter how much care you take. The good news is that I am okay with staying home 🙂

Work happens 4 days a week, and all is good. Our vacation was cancelled and that was a real bummer. Hopefully August 2021 will be a better year. Now to figure out what to do with 24 days of vacation.

Oh, I so want to travel. What better to do than to go back in the archives and see what has not been edited. Maine 2018, and we had just traveled through Bar Harbor. What to do the next day? I suggested we go to the “less busy” island adjacent to Bar Harbor. Less busy was a good description. What we had more of was mist. That said mist gave me the opportunity to go back and play with black and white images. This month I am sharing 30 minutes of a day in the mist.

Mist or fog creates this eerie kind feeling as you walk along the banks of the water. However, I did like the mist slipping around us. One day we will be able to get on the road again, and I have to be honest I look forward to it. I am sure you do to.

Please stay safe, wherever you are in the world. Thank you for joining me for 30 Minutes in the Life. I would encourage you to take some time to visit my very talented friend April of April White Photography  and see what she has for you this month.  Check out her Facebook page as well.

You can also find me on Facebook, and Instagram.

11 Comments on “30 Minutes in the Life: July 2020

  1. Sharleen, these are amazing! I want to hang that fourth picture down on my walls! The fog is magical!
    Beautiful images all around 🥰.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow – I don’t think I’ve seen an all black and while series from you before. These are so timeless and almost haunting with that fog. Very nicely done.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. These are fabulous images, Sharleen. I love them all. I love the mood and tone created in the foggy mist with the B&W conversions.

    Liked by 1 person

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