30 Minutes in the Life: December 2017

For the month of December 30 Minutes in the Life acknowledges that times get busy and so for this month we choose to do a Festive 5. Most of my 30 minutes come from one event but I did want to share two others as well.  In the last week in November I asked Richard to take me to the Hoffman Chocolate Shop.  They had a display of lights in their garden.  I took along my Lensbaby Sweet 35 with the idea of capturing the lights and the beautiful bokeh that this lens creates.  Beyond that I have been to a series of Christmas lunches.  The middle 3 image are from one of those events.  Lastly, my Christmas tree bokeh.

Winter Wonderland November 21, 2017: 7278

Blessed is the season that engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love

~Hamilton Wright Mawbie

Festive Five:  December 18, 2017: 7755

Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but also of reflecting

~ Winston Churchill

Festive Five:  December 18, 2017: 7793

Christmas is a great time for extra hugs and cuddles.  Love is the magic of Christmas.  If you are blessed with children, share with them that special magic and it will spread to others as well.  

Festive Five:  December 18, 2017: 7736

“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.”

Christmas: December18, 2016 4981

Christmas for me is about acknowledging and celebrating the birth of Christ.  It is also a time for family, and I am grateful to have all my family with us as well as an additional guest that Amy brought home with her.

I wish you a blessed Christmas with your family and friends.  May you know love, peace and joy as you celebrate together.  If you are traveling, travel safely.

Peace on Earth will come to stay

When we live Christmas every day.

~Helen Steiner Rice

Thank you for joining me for this month’s 30 Minutes in Life.  Please take time to visit my friend and fellow blogger  Stacey Markel Photography to see what she has for you this month with her Festive 5.  Keep following the circle of photographers to see what the other photographers, from the US and around the world,  have shared this month. Don’t forget to leave a little love on their pages.

You can also find me on FacebookFlickrInstagramViewbug and Google+


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